We all know about batch creating your content whether that be for blogs, Instagram, TikTok and so on. But constantly creating new content ideas is hard.
Being ahead of the game is the best way to grow your business. And Pinterest is always 3 steps ahead when it comes to seasonal trends.
As Pinterest is considered a search engine, marketers are advised to start Pinning seasonal content 3 months in advanced. And more recently the platform has released a ‘trends report’ that allows you to judge what trends are up-and-coming so that you can make the most of these hot topics.
(Just like any search engine the hot topics are based on the various searches made on the platform)
How to find it:
1. Head over to https://trends.pinterest.com/
2. Scroll down to ‘Discover trends’
3. Under ‘Trend type’ filter the type of trend you need
4. Under ‘Keywords’ type in your niche
In these examples I’ve gone for ‘painted furniture’ + ‘furniture’ and you can see all the Seasonal Trends and Yearly Trends for these terms…
If you try out different keywords you’ll find plenty of topic ideas to choose from! Save those to your content schedule so you can always be ahead of the trends.